Stephen Mwangi

In Memory Key-Value Store

Build Your Own Distributed Key-Value Store: Part 1

Woman gardening illustration

What I cannot create, I do not understand. Know how to solve every problem that has been solved.

Richard Feynman

In this blog series, we will build a distributed key-value store from scratch in Go. We’ll cover topics such as replication, consensus, consistency, and sharding. While I’m no expert in distributed systems, I’m learning as I go - so if anything looks egregiously wrong (hopefully not enough to irreparably damage my self-esteem ๐Ÿ˜…), just shoot me an email or start a new discussion.


A key-value store is a database that stores key-value pairs. A key is a unique identifier that is used to retrieve the associated value. The value can be any data type, such as a string, an integer, or even a data blob like an image.
For our store, though, we’ll only store string values for simplicity, as we’ll be managing a database of country profiles:

Key-value pairs example

Key-value stores are used in a variety of applications, including caching, session management, and configuration management. Examples of key-value stores include Redis, Valkey, Memcached, and Amazon DynamoDB.


The first step is to create a new directory for the project and initialize a new Go module for our little-key-value project. Run the following commands to set it up:

$ mkdir little-key-value
$ cd little-key-value
$ go mod init<username>/little-key-value
go: creating new go.mod: module<username>/little-key-value

Remember to replace <username> with your GitHub username. The full source code for this post can be found in the 01-in-memory-key-value-store folder of the companion repository.


The first version of our key-value store will be an in-memory key-value store that only runs on a single node/machine. We’ll incrementally build on this foundation until we have a fully-fledged distributed key-value store and hopefully learn some distributed systems concepts along the way :).

Storage Layer

We’ll start off by building the storage layer of our key-value store. We’ll store the key-value pairs in a hash table A hash table is a data structure that maps keys to values which closely matches the key-value store’s data model. In Go, this is a map. in memory. While this is a good starting point, we’ll migrate to a more robust storage solution in the future.

The storage layer will implement an API with these methods:

  1. Set(key, value): Insert or update a key-value pair in the store.
  2. Get(key): Get the value of key from the store.
  3. Delete(key): Delete key from the store.

Create a internal/storage folder and a types.go file inside it which will hold the types and interfaces used by the storage layer. Add the following code to it:

package storage

import "fmt"

// Storage defines the interface for a generic key-value storage system
type Storage interface {
	// Set adds or updates a key-value pair in the storage
	Set(key string, value string) error

	// Get retrieves the value associated with a given key
	Get(key string) (string, error)

	// Delete removes a key-value pair from the storage
	Delete(key string) error

// NotFoundError is a custom error type for when a key is not found
// It implements the standard error interface
type NotFoundError struct{}

// Error returns a string representation of the error
func (e *NotFoundError) Error() string {
	return fmt.Sprintf("key not found")

Next, we’ll implement the Storage interface using a map. Create a map.go file in the same folder and add the following code to it:

package storage

import (

// MapStorage is a simple in-memory implementation of the Storage interface
// It uses a map to store key-value pairs
type MapStorage struct {
	mu   sync.RWMutex
	data map[string]string

// NewMapStorage creates a new instance of MapStorage
func NewMapStorage() *MapStorage {
	return &MapStorage{
		data: map[string]string{},

// Set adds or updates a key-value pair in the storage
func (m *MapStorage) Set(key string, value string) error {
	defer[key] = value
	return nil

// Get retrieves the value associated with a given key
func (m *MapStorage) Get(key string) (string, error) {

	value, ok :=[key]
	if !ok {
		return "", &NotFoundError{}
	return value, nil

// Delete removes a key-value pair from the storage
func (m *MapStorage) Delete(key string) error {

	delete(, key)
	return nil

Yup, that’s it! We’ve implemented a simple in-memory key-value store. The only thing to note is that we’re using a mutex A mutex (from mutual exclusion) is a synchronization primitive that prevents state from being modified or accessed by multiple threads of execution at once. to ensure that only one goroutine can modify the map at a time, preventing race conditions and data corruption. This is because a map Alternatively, one can use sync.Map which handles concurrency out of the box. is not thread-safe by default.

API Layer

Next, we’ll create a REST API that will expose the storage layer’s API.

We’ll add a /kv/{key} endpoint that will accept the following HTTP methods:

  1. PUT /kv/{key}: Calls Set on the storage layer.
  2. GET /kv/{key}: Calls Get on the storage layer.
  3. DELETE /kv/{key}: Calls Delete on the storage layer.

Create a internal/api folder and a server.go file inside it which will hold the API server implementation. Add the following code to it:

package api

import (


// Server represents the key-value server
type Server struct {
	storage storage.Storage

// New creates a new instance of the Server
func New() *Server {
	return &Server{storage: storage.NewMapStorage()}

// Serve starts the HTTP server and handles key-value store operations
func (s *Server) Serve(addr string) error {
	http.HandleFunc("/kv/", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
		switch r.Method {
		case http.MethodPut:
			s.set(w, r)
		case http.MethodGet:
			s.get(w, r)
		case http.MethodDelete:
			s.delete(w, r)
			http.Error(w, "method not allowed", http.StatusMethodNotAllowed)

	return http.ListenAndServe(addr, nil)

This defines a new endpoint /kv/{key} that handles the key-value store operations. Don’t forget to replace st3v3nmw in the import path with your GitHub username.

Next, we’ll add the set, get, and delete methods to the Server struct. These methods are simply wrappers around the storage layer’s API:

// set handles the HTTP PUT request for setting a key-value pair
func (s *Server) set(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	value, err := io.ReadAll(r.Body)
	if err != nil {
		msg := fmt.Sprintf("unable to read request body: %v", err)
		http.Error(w, msg, http.StatusInternalServerError)

	key := r.URL.Path[len("/kv/"):]
	err =, string(value))
	if err != nil {
		msg := fmt.Sprintf("unable to set key: %v", err)
		http.Error(w, msg, http.StatusInternalServerError)


// get handles the HTTP GET request for retrieving a key-value pair
func (s *Server) get(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	key := r.URL.Path[len("/kv/"):]
	value, err :=
	if err != nil {
		if errors.Is(err, &storage.NotFoundError{}) {
			http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusNotFound)

		msg := fmt.Sprintf("unable to get key: %v", err)
		http.Error(w, msg, http.StatusInternalServerError)


// delete handles the HTTP DELETE request for deleting a key-value pair
func (s *Server) delete(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	key := r.URL.Path[len("/kv/"):]
	err :=
	if err != nil {
		msg := fmt.Sprintf("unable to delete key: %v", err)
		http.Error(w, msg, http.StatusInternalServerError)


Entry Point

Lastly, we’ll create a cmd/little-key-value/main.go file that contains the main entry point An entry point is the place in a program where the execution of a program begins, and where the program has access to command line arguments. for our server:

package main

import (


func main() {
	fmt.Println("Starting Little Key-Value Store...")

	server := api.New()

Project Structure

After you’re done, the project should look like this:

$ tree
โ”œโ”€โ”€ cmd
โ”‚ย ย  โ””โ”€โ”€ little-key-value
โ”‚ย ย      โ””โ”€โ”€ main.go
โ”œโ”€โ”€ go.mod
โ””โ”€โ”€ internal
    โ”œโ”€โ”€ api
    โ”‚ย ย  โ””โ”€โ”€ server.go
    โ””โ”€โ”€ storage
        โ”œโ”€โ”€ map.go
        โ””โ”€โ”€ types.go

6 directories, 5 files

The project follows the standard Go project layout. The cmd folder contains the main application for the project i.e. ./cmd/little-key-value while the internal folder contains the private application and library code.

The code is organized into packages, following a package oriented design pattern. We have a storage package that contains the storage layer implementation and an api package that contains the API layer. The main package ties everything together and serves as the application’s entry point.

Run the Server

We’re finally ready to run the key-value service! Run the following command to start it:

$ go run ./cmd/little-key-value
Starting Little Key-Value Store...

We’re going to use curl to test it. Let’s start by saving some key-value pairs:

$ curl -X PUT -d 'Nairobi'
$ curl -X PUT -d 'Kampala'
$ curl -X PUT -d 'Dar es Salaam'
$ curl -X PUT -d 'Dodoma'

Now, let’s get the values we just set:

$ curl
$ curl

Finally, we’ll delete one of the key-value pairs:

$ curl -X DELETE
$ curl
key not found

Congratulations - you’ve just built a simple in-memory key-value store!

Woman celebrating illustration

What’s Next?

Since we’re storing our data in memory, the store will lose it once we kill the process running it. In the next post, we’ll migrate our storage layer to persistent storage using LSM trees and SSTables.

As an exercise, add input validation to the Server.set method to ensure that the provided key and value are not empty. Use these tests to confirm that your solution works:

$ curl -X PUT -d ''
value cannot be empty
$ curl -X PUT -d 'foo'
key cannot be empty

Good luck!