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Organizing into Decks


Using Obsidian Tags

  1. Specify flashcard tags in settings (#flashcards is the default).
  2. Tag any notes that you'd like to put flashcards using said tags.

Hierarchical Tags

Note that #flashcards will match nested tags like #flashcards/subdeck/subdeck.

Multiple Tags Within a Single File

A single file can contain cards for multiple different decks.

This is possible because a tag pertains to all subsequent cards in a file until any subsequent tag.

For example:

Question1 (in deckA)::Answer1
Question2 (also in deckA)::Answer2
Question3 (also in deckA)::Answer3

Question4 (in deckB)::Answer4
Question5 (also in deckB)::Answer5

Question6 (in deckC)::Answer6

A Single Card Within Multiple Decks

Usually the content of a card is only relevant to a single deck. However, sometimes content doesn't fall neatly into a single deck of the hierarchy.

In these cases, a card can be tagged as being part of multiple decks. The following card is specified as being in the three different decks listed.

#flashcards/language/words #flashcards/trivia #flashcards/learned-from-tv
A group of cats is called a::clowder

Note that as shown in the above example, all tags must be placed on the same line, separated by spaces.

Question Specific Tags

A tag that is present at the start of the first line of a card is "question specific", and applies only to that card.

For example:

Question1 (in deckA)::Answer1
Question2 (also in deckA)::Answer2
Question3 (also in deckA)::Answer3

#flashcards/deckB Question4 (in deckB)::Answer4

Question6 (in deckA)::Answer6

Here Question6 will be part of deckA and not deckB as deckB is specific to Question4 only.

Using Folder Structure

The plugin will automatically search for folders that contain flashcards & use their paths to create decks & sub-decks

e.g. Folder/sub-folder/sub-sub-folderDeck/sub-deck/sub-sub-deck.

This is an alternative to the tagging option and can be enabled in settings.